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Welcome to GS1 Mexico
The Global Language of Business

Partner Portal

    Retail and manufacturers

    It is the main area of action of GS1 Mexico today, which include self-service stores, mini markets, Stores and manufacturers. This sector led to the birth of GS1 Mexico in 1996.

    In 2015 seek to reinforce the correct use of barcode for identifying products.

    Another project that is contemplated for the sector, es la complementación del Catálogo Electrónico de productos, both the information shared, como en las funcionalidades que prestará el catálogo electrónico de GS1 México.

    On the other hand, the Estudio de Faltantes en Anaquel It is a project of paramount importance and 2016 Measurements must be made 255 outlets 7 Cadenas Comerciales importantes a nivel nacional, to know the main of reasons why a product is not available on the shelves and, so, supply correct errors.

    Los proyectos que tenemos actualmente en el sector Retail son:

    Product identification

    Catálogo Electrónico de productos Syncfonía

    Electronic Invoice