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    Postal Barcodes


    Where is it used?


    The Postal Bar Codes were created for the management of physical document shipments through the postal systems of a country. In general, the postal system of a country is a public entity that helps in the collection, management and delivery of goods. Each country has created its own system, however, many share certain characteristics such as zip code as a location identifier.



    One of the postal systems with greater trajectory is the United States, which uses a coding system called POSTNET. It was created approximately in 1971, it allows to store the 5 digits of the postal code plus 4 digits that correspond to the exterior of the building and a verification code for a total of 10 digits.



    Types and structure of Postal bar codes

    It includes the 5-digit postal code + 4 digits that may correspond to the last 2 digits of the address or the PO BOX number + 1 check digit.postnet-example

    It includes the FCC code (2 digits) and the DPIP Code (8 digits) which is the destination identifier.


    It contains 7 digits, the first two correspond to the 47 districts of that country, the next digit corresponds to the city next to the district, the next two correspond to the neighborhood and the last to the street number.


    Generador de código de barras